Pennington Park Church has inherited a rich tradition of looking outside its own walls during the Christmas season by taking up an annual Christmas Offering. Each year, money from this offering goes to an intentional and strategic project that will “make a dent, not a dimple.” Throughout the history of our church, we have seen God move in powerful ways in the hearts of our congregants, giving generously to see the Kingdom of God expand in the far corners of the world.
Sharing the hope of Christ through biblically based training, savings services, and loans that restore dignity and break the cycle of poverty.
Training national missionaries to preach the gospel, make disciples, and plant churches in every unengaged, unreached people group in Sudan.
Our goal is to raise a total of $180,000 total. We hope to give $100,000 to Hope International and $80,000 to Final Sudan. Would you prayerfully consider helping us with this goal in hopes of furthering the Great Commission?
Pennington Park Church’s gift of $100,000 to the savings group ministry in South Asia could help HOPE and their partner equip approximately 2,000 new men and women they plan to serve with savings groups and train 120 pastors to lead the house churches that grow out of these groups.
Pennington Park Church’s gift of $80,000 will enable construction and funding of a national missionary training centers (NMTC). This training center will allow Final Sudan to train hundreds of national missionaries over the next four years who will be sent on mission to reach the remaining unreached people groups of Sudan.
In South Asia, HOPE works with two partners to provide the savings group ministry. As savings group members build their savings together, they can make small loans to one another to help support small business growth, new economic ventures, home improvements, and medical or education costs. Under the care of a trained facilitator, groups are introduced to the Gospel through our RESTORE savings group curriculum. Currently, their partners support a total of 1,083 savings groups and 11,371 savings group members.
Funding for this project will go to securing a meeting hall for up to thirty people, office space, kitchen and eating space, dorm rooms for trainees, and living space for the operations teams. Each NMTC is managed by a center leader who oversees the NMTC team. There are two worldview trainers and two ministry field trainers. Support staff help manage cooking and housekeeping.